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Critique of Sensibility

Sensory-based information has its individualness. One cannot gain thought solely from it, and naturally cannot understand the logic of this world. “The difference between the sensory and thought is to be located in the fact that the determination of the former is its individualness, and insofar as the individual also stands in connection with other things, whatever is sensory is outside-of-something-else, the abstract forms of which are, more precisely, those of being side-by-side and after one another. “Sensibility allows us to perceive nature, but it can’t let us understand and utilize nature’s universal law. Only rational, universal thought can guide mankind to build the technological civilization as we have today. The rise of rationalism has made science the most powerful religion in history. This exhibition is a ritual of worship for this religion.

Emotion is not sacred, nor is it independent of logic or positioned above thought. “Love is unmeasurable. Love is the unique quality of all people.” These words are the most evident examples. Sensibility is what preconsciousness and subconsciousness have done in consciousness. Essentially, the logic of sensibility is similar to the logic of rationality. People instinctively believe that emotions cannot be analyzed, the reason being that the human brain can only receive a limited amount of information at the same time — it is the limitation of consciousness. A computer program can perfectly demonstrate this system: countless background programs are running simultaneously, many of which are affecting the presentation on the screen. In addition, there are countless unobservable algorithms and instructions within the program, and they are the foundation of the screen’s presentation. The world is simple: theoretically, humankind can interpret the rules of the world through a series of mathematical symbols. And yet, the world is also very complicated: the foundation of the world is hidden under intricate rules and information. It is even more complicated for humans, who can only observe things by their senses and then trace their origin. The same holds true for human emotions. By unmasking layers of information, we can discover the genuine truths of emotions and the logic hidden behind them. As for the motivation, mankind’s arrogance makes us reluctant to discard the sanctity of emotions. Human beings need to establish a sanctity for themselves to distinguish ourselves from all other lifeforms. As the saying goes,” Human is the soul of the universe".

The sense of security comes from knowing and being in control. Rational information allows people to have a sense of security, and on the contrary, ignorance breeds fear. People often find abstract art “hard to appreciate” or “hard to comprehend”. The reason is because the information that abstract art delivers is sensory-based, which cannot be interpreted by rationality. By executing rational thoughts and logic, I’m able to create a series of works that enable the viewer to understand the mathematical model behind the works, and further, to understand the visual image, thus generating a sense of familiarity and security in a situation that is difficult to appreciate and comprehend. In this process, intuitive feeling constantly reconstructs new cognitions under the effect of optical illusions. Using non-sensory- based methods to generate sensory-based information, then using rational information to reconstruct the viewer's inner cognition. The system within the creative method is far more important than the artist’s own aesthetics because it is the direct creator of these works. Or rather, the creative method is the work itself, and the visual presentation are merely a byproduct of them.

想的区别在于,前者的特点是个别性的。既然个别之物是彼此有联系的,所以凡是感性的事物都是彼此 相外(Aussereinander)的个别东⻄,他们确切抽象的形式,是彼此并列(Nebeneinander)和彼此相续 (Nacheinander)的。”感性可以让我们感受到自然,但无法让我们理解和利用自然的普遍规律。只有 理性的、具有普遍性的思想,才能够指引人类建立如今的这个科技文明。现代的理性浪潮使科学成为史 上最强大的信仰。本展览则是对此信仰的崇拜仪式。
情感不是神圣的,也不是独立于逻辑、或凌驾于思维之上的。“爱是无法被衡量的,爱是人类所特有 的品质”,这些话语就是最直接的例子。情感是前意识和潜意识在意识中做工的一种体现,其运作逻辑本 质上和理性的运作逻辑相同。人们本能地相信情感无法被分析,其原因是人类大脑只能让人在同一时间 里接收到有限的信息——这就是意识的局限性。电脑的运作模式便能够形象地展示出这一系统:屏幕中 呈现出的画面是很有限的。在同一时间,有很多后台的程序在同时运作,其中不乏很多会对前台画面的 呈现产生影响。除此之外,在程序内,无法被观测到的运算和指令更是不可胜计,然而它们才是形成前 台画面的内核。这个世界十分简单:理论上人类能够通过一连串的数学符号就将世界的规则得以诠释; 这个世界又十分复杂:盘根错节的规则和信息掩盖了它的本源。它对于仅能通过感觉观察其表,进而追 溯其本源的人类而言,是极其复杂的。人类的情感同样如此。只要将所有的信息层层剥茧,就可以找到 情感的原貌,挖掘出藏在其背后的条条逻辑。至于动机,不愿将情感的神圣性抛弃是源于人类的自负, 人类需要给自己建立神圣性以区别于其他万物,正所谓“人乃万物之灵”。
理性的信息能够给人带来安全感,而相对的,恐惧感则源于无知。抽象艺术易让观众产生“难以欣 赏”、“难以评价”的反馈,其原因是抽象艺术品所传达的感性信息是难以被理性解读的。
安全感来自于可知与可控。我通过纯粹实践理性、利用逻辑思维创作的本系列作品,能够使观众知 晓作品背后的数学模型而进一步理解图像,从而使观众在难以鉴赏、难以评价的境地中诞生熟悉与安全 感。在此过程中,直观的感受会不断的在视错觉的作用下重建出新的认知。运用非感性的方法生成感性 的信息,再通过理性的信息重建观众内心的认知。创作方法中蕴含的系统自身比艺术家的审美更为重 要,因为它们才是这些作品直接的创作者。或者说,此创作方法才是该作品本身,而视觉艺术作品只是 它们的副产品。

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